カオハガン キルト
(this image is from
Caohagan is a small island that is a part of Cebu Province in the Philippines. It spans only 3 kilometers across its coastline. The surrounding sea around the area is a marine sanctuary and is a very good place for swimming, snorkeling, or scuba diving. The beach is also beautiful, with soft sand that is like powder.
One of the most interesting things about the island is that it is owned by a Japanese man named Katsuhiko Sakiyama. The story goes that he left his job in Tokyo and traveled the world in search of a place to retire. He ended up in Caohagan and fell in love with the island and also the people.
This was in 1987, and back then, the population of the island was about 300 people. The community there lived without electricity and relied on growing their food and foraging.
On his website Katsuhiko Sakiyama writes: “I have loved the sea since I was a child, and I have always been attracted to the countries beyond that sea and the people who live there. Then, by chance, I was able to meet a dreamy and beautiful southern island and live there. It was a happy encounter that I could only think of as God’s command.”
崎山勝彦さんのウェブサイトには、「子供の頃から海が大好きで、海の向こうの国々やそこに住む人々に魅了されてきました。 そして、偶然、夢のような美しい南の島に出会い、そこに住むことができました。 神様導きとしか思えない幸せな出会いでした。」
“Surrounded by the rich nature of the ocean, we receive the blessings, do not take more than necessary, and share it with everyone. We will live the day to the fullest while letting ourselves relax and spend our time in nature. I have spent such “rich and empty” days with the islanders.”
“Recently, I have come to strongly think that “we have a lot to learn now” in such a life.”
「海の豊かな自然に囲まれ、私たちは祝福を受け、必要以上に服用せず、それをみんなと分かち合います。自然の中でリラックスして過ごしながら、一日を満喫します。 私は島民とそのような「何もなくて豊かな」日々を過ごしました。」
“So far, many people have visited Caohagan Island and had a relaxing and enjoyable day with a gentle breeze. I would like you to come to Caohagan, have fun, regain your true self, and think about your future life.”
“I’m really looking forward to seeing you on the island.”
(this image is from the Caohagan Quilt Facebook page)
Sakiyama decided to permanently live on the island in 1991, together with his wife Junko. Junko was an artist and a former teacher at the now-defunct Hearts and Hands School, which was once Tokyo’s biggest quilting school.
When the couple moved to Caohagan, Junko started teaching the community how to quilt. They started selling their work with the proceeds going back to the quilters and the community in Caohagan, to build island infrastructure and provide scholarships for students.
二人がカオハガンに移住し、純子さんはコミュニティにキルトの作り方を教え始めました。 彼らは、島のインフラを構築し、島の学生に奨学金を提供するために、収益をカオハガンのキルターとコミュニティに還元して作品の販売を開始しました。
A 2×1 meter Caohagan quilt can take up to three months to finish as they are made entirely by hand. The scenery often depicts life at sea, the animals that live on the island, and the beautiful flowers and plants that can only be found in the area.
“In Caohagan, quilting has become a source of joy and a means to a sustainable livelihood for the quilters. Buyers love what they get because they know it is made with love.” says Junko of their craft.
「カオハガンでは、キルティングは喜びの源であり、キルトを作る人の持続可能な生計手段になっています。それを買う人は、愛で作られていることを知っているので、彼らの商品を愛しています。」 彼らのキルトについて純子さんは語ります。
(this image is from the Caohagan Quilt Facebook page)
Today the island is often visited by tourists who want to spend time swimming and also to buy the quilts. In many ways, the island is a great story about living simply, being good caretakers of nature, and making art from the heart.
(photos below are from the Caohagan Quilts Facebook page)
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