Guest speaker: Tammy Tsai
coordinator/presenter: Jing Liao
Date: 12/19
UMITOMACHI -海とアート&デザイン 馬祖ビエンナーレ
This time, we’re not in Hualien—let’s change our focus to Matsu! There are huge art activities happening on the islands now and luckily Jing has been participating. Let’s take a look before it opens in February.
Matsu Islands is an archipelago of 36 islands and islets in the East China Sea. Considering its location between Taiwan and Mainland China, during the opposition to the mainland communist regime, Matsu served as Taiwan’s front line of defense for many decades, turning the island landscape into a battlefield. Local industries relied heavily on military related consumption. Life in Matsu couldn’t continue without the military.
Luckily, the real war never really happened in Matsu and military frontline defense policy ended in 1992. Many defensive tunnels, scenes of psych-war slogans, troops, and military facilities still remain as legacy or heritage. (Some places are still for military usage and not open to the public.)
For the past 30 years, lots of abandoned tunnels or forts right at the seaside have been renovated and revitalized to become wineries, cafes, hotels, and many other recreational venues. The awesome ocean view always attracts many tourists.
In 2021, an important announcement was made about Matsu Islands. The islands will be transformed from a military outpost into an art island. The first opening of Matsu Biennale will be from 2/12-4/10 in 2022. Lots of artwork will be installed along the seaside, creating a totally different ocean view experience.
This is the very first big-scale art activity happening on the islands in Taiwan. In addition to making it an exciting event, the organizer, the Matsu local government, see this biennale as part of the landscape and urban planning strategy, with a 10-year blueprint in mind.
In order to do this, the first step—a new administrative structure system—was built on the local government side. An agile decision making process, flexible human resource adjustment, and cross-bureau collaboration is expected to be fulfilled by the art movement.
Second, the architecture and buildings on the landscape are considered part of the artwork. The process by which modern transform the military forts and harbors for modern usage will be fully developed as well.
Third, instead of making eye-catching art installations, lots of community art and education-related programs are made, hoping to connect more people to these art activities, especially kids. For example, for one project, the artist will work with elementary school kids, guide them to find the color of their hometown, and then dye their clothes and the local soil together. A huge tower hanging the kids’ work will be built in their town.
Last but not least, another important concept for this biennale is food. The food project will be developed with local moms and chefs to show the abundant seafood resources in Matsu, like shrimp, mussels, Buddha-Hand clams, and fish. Another interesting food culture there is Matsu laojiu (rice wine) cuisine. Every house has their own recipe for making laojiu, mainly using glutinous rice, red yeast, and water. Under great temperature control and after a 60-day fermentation process, the wine is ready for drinking or cooking. People like it because it can warm the body nicely. The rice wine is commonly used for soup or soup noodles. Red yeast rice residue (a side-product of making rice wine) can be cooked with fried rice, pork, and chicken. During the biennale, the tradition and new interpretation for local Matsu food culture will be shown as one of the food projects as well.
Our guest speaker, Tammy Tsai—who moved to Matsu with her husband more than 10 years ago—has hosted many workshops with local moms to promote this wine culture. She mentioned that making rice wine usually starts from Xiaoxue (one of 24 solar terms) around 11/23 and after two months, people open the wine jar together during the Lantern Festival. As a community project planner and art-lover, Tsai herself really hopes that more and more people can get closer to the arts through the biennale and she expects more local artists to join in so that everyone can enjoy this biennale together.
Let’s go to Matsu all together!
ぜひ一緒に 馬祖へ行きましょう!
Dongyin island in Matsu has an online culture exchange with Yonaguni island in Okinawa. Local dance, local wine and local musics are shared. Check this video:
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- Taiwan(台湾)
廖品淨 / Jing Liao
ニンジン株式会社 代表 慶応義塾大学大学院でアートツーリズムの地域活性化について研究をし、2017年デザイナーズレジデンシープログラム、DOOR to ASIA東北に参画。会社ではアートPR、台日コラボレーション活動、日本人向け台湾ブランドのセレクトショップなどで活躍している。
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