Kesennuma【UMITOMACHI Fes】Report




title: UMITOMACHI Fest with dots and dots connected


On February 13th at KURUKURU Cafe Utsumi, we held a festival to bring UMITOMACHI to an end, for now.

フェスでは、これまでのUMITOMACHIの振り返り、東京在住のフィリピン人のシェフ オリビアさんが教える食のワークショップ、各都市の海の要素をビジュアライズして一枚の手ぬぐいに落とし込むデザインワークショップ、台湾のミュージシャンKJさんと気仙沼のPeace Jam代表である佐藤賢さんによる、海洋ごみを使ったオンライン音楽セッションを行いました。また、イベントの最後にはUMITOMACHIで今後どのように継続していくかを参加者で意見を出し合い、無事にUMITOMACHI今年度の活動に幕を閉じました。

At the festival, we reflected on UMITOMACHI’S activities up until this point, with workshops calling back to previous sessions. Olivia, a Filipino chef living in Tokyo, led the Food Workshop with a cooking lesson. The Design Workshop combined participants’ visualizations of elements of the sea from their towns into a single tenugui hand towel. Taiwanese musician KJ and Sato Ken of Kesennuma Peace Jam led the online Music Session using ocean trash. Finally, at the end of the event, participants shared their opinions on how best to continue UMITOMACHI in the future, and thus the curtain successfully closed on this year’s UMITOMACHI activities.



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to proceed with our plans to hold an offline event, but through the online ones, we were able to discover new possibilities and ways to enjoy ourselves.


From Hualien, Taiwan to Sulawesi, Indonesia; from Cebu in the Philippines to Kesennuma, Japan–there is physical distance between each city, but with each and every meeting we felt that distance close in our hearts.


In order for the connections we’ve made now to continue on long into the future, we will hold UMITOMACHI again next year, and we look forward to building relationships where we visit each other’s cities once the pandemic settles down.


皆川 太郎 / Taro Minakawa


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