11月20日にUMITOMACHI My neighbour’s portの第2回目「海とマリンスポーツ」のイベントを開催しました!
今回は気仙沼市まち・ひと・しごと交流プラザの中にあるスクエアシップ から花蓮(台湾)、スラウェシ(インドネシア)、セブ(フィリピン)と中継でつなぎ、お互いの国の「海とマリンスポーツ」について情報共有をしました。
On November 20th, we held the second event of UMITOMACHI: My Neighbour’s Port, “Sea and Marine Sports!”
This time we connected to Hualien in Taiwan, Sulawesi in Indonesia, and Cebu in the Philippines from Square Ship inside of Kesennuma’s Pier 7, and shared information from each country on the topic of “Sea and Marine Sports.”
In order to enjoy the flavors of each Asian country, we also prepared some interesting snacks from all over Asia for our in-person participants.
数あるマリンスポーツの中からピックアップしてくれたのがARGAOという地域で行われる「スキムボード」です。ゲストのRUEL RIGORさんと中継をつなぎ、紹介してくれました。スキムボードは波のない海に勢いよく突っ込んでトリックを決めます。サーフィンとスケートボードを融合したようなスポーツでした。
Our first participants this time were the Cebu team from the Philippines.
From a number of marine sports, they picked skimboarding, which is popular in a town of Cebu called Argao. They introduced their guest speaker, Ruel Rigor, and he explained that skimboarding is a sport that involves dashing into a calm, waveless ocean to perform tricks, and is like a fusion between surfing and skateboarding.
Following that, we welcomed our guest Dirman from Sulawesi, Indonesia, who introduced the watersports community in the port town of Makassar, and the long-distance swimming that is popular there. He introduced not just sports but also the environmental problems in the ocean, and it became an opportunity to reconsider the importance of treasuring the ocean in addition to marine sports.
The team from Hualien, Taiwan, joined us from the office of a local NPO and introduced us to snorkeling.
The waters off of Hualien have deep, sudden drops, and the waves easily turn rough, so playing in the sea is often not allowed. The NPO, however, holds activities to change this view of the ocean, and to share that the ocean is not just a place of danger but can be a place of safety as well. With the strength of the waves and the transparency of the water, they showed us a face of the ocean that is different from what we see in Kesennuma. We were able to consider the ocean from a new point of view–underwater.
最後の発表となった気仙沼(日本)では会場に石渡商店の石渡久師さんにお越しいただき、マリンスポーツや漁業のなどオンオフの顔を持つ気仙沼の海を唐桑、大島、小泉の三つのエリアにわけて、ご紹介いただきました。また、もう1人のプレゼンテーターであるNPO法人浜わらすの 天澤寛子さんには、小泉海岸から中継をしてもらい、気仙沼のサーフィンスポットについてと、彼女の活動している団体のお話をしていただきました。
Our final presentation was from Kesennuma, Japan, where we were visited by Ishiwata Hisashi of Ishiwata Shoten, who introduced three areas of Kesennuma–Karakuwa, Oshima, and Koizumi–that are constantly switching between the faces of marine sports and the fishing industry. We also had one more presenter, Amasawa Hiroko of the NPO Hamawarasu, who joined us from Koizumi beach. She spoke with us about surfing spots in Kesennuma, and about the activities of her organization.
Even though we live with the sea here in Kesennuma, by listening to the mix of all these thoughts about the sea, we broadened our horizons not just about marine sports but also about how the ocean should be in Kesennuma.
Because we were able to include many people on our panel of guests, this was no doubt a meaningful event.
We were able to make many new realizations and find points in common between each country, and with this input we look forward to how our final event will turn out!
We at pensea would like to continue our work in deepening relations beyond our country’s borders through UMITOMACHI, and we would love for you to follow and join us in our upcoming events!
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昆野 哲 / satoshi konno
Kesennuma【UMITOMACHI Fes】Report
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Kesennuma【Sea×Marine Sports】Report
11月20日にUMITOMACHI My neighbour’s portの第2回目「海とマリンスポーツ」のイベントを開催しました! 今回は気仙沼市まち・ひと・しごと交流プラザの中にあるスクエアシップ から花蓮(台湾)、 […]
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